Monday, January 26, 2009


A bit late, but here is a pic of me toasting Obama last week.

The T-shirt is one I had made with an image I'd created myself and it has a hidden message.

To see the message, here is the raw image.

Obama's inauguration brought back memories of Tony Blair being elected in the UK, which was a happy day for me for other reasons. People were optimistic about change, but it didn't quite turn out like that.

The image was created thanks to the Python Imaging Library and a few lines of code (see below).

I tried using the GIMP, but I'm afraid I don't use it often enough to be able to do anything non-trivial faster than I can write PIL code.

import optparse
import Image

import ImageFont
import ImageDraw

def get_weight(xoff, yoff, width, height, image):

total = 0
count = 0
for x in range(width):
for y in range(height):
total += image.getpixel((xoff+x, yoff+y))
count += 1

if count == 0: count = 1
return int(round(total/count))

def get_rgb(xoff, yoff, width, height, image):

rr = gg = bb = 0
count = 0
for x in range(width):
for y in range(height):
r, g, b = image.getpixel((xoff+x, yoff+y))

rr += r
gg += g
bb += b
count += 1

if count == 0: count = 1

return int(round(rr/count)), int(round(gg/count)), int(round(bb/count))

def make_image(options):

obama =

options.width, options.height = obama.size
scale = options.scale
options.width *= scale
options.height *= scale

image ='RGB', (options.width, options.height))

print obama.getpixel((10,10))

text = options.text

font = ImageFont.truetype("/home/me/.fonts/arial.ttf", options.font)

draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image)
width, height = font.getsize(options.text)

xpos = ypos = height

offset = 0
total_offset = 0
red, green, blue =,,

while ypos < options.height:
while xpos < options.width:

for char in options.text[offset:]:
wchar, hchar = font.getsize(char)
if opts.rgb:
rgb = get_rgb(xpos/scale, ypos/scale, 1 + (wchar/scale), 1 + (hchar/scale), obama)
draw.text((xpos, ypos), char, font=font, fill=rgb)
weight = get_weight(xpos/scale, ypos/scale, 1 + (wchar/scale), 1 + (hchar/scale), obama)
draw.text((xpos, ypos), char, font=font, fill=(int(weight*red), int(weight*green), int(weight*blue)))
xpos += wchar

offset = 0
ypos += height
xpos = height
total_offset += options.offset
offset = total_offset % len(options.text)'blair.png', 'w'))

def get_parser():
""" Get an option parser.
parser = optparse.OptionParser()

parser.add_option('--width', type='int', default=426)
parser.add_option('--height', type='int', default=640)
parser.add_option('--scale', type='int', default=2)
parser.add_option('--offset', type='int', default=15)
parser.add_option('--font', type='int', default=9)
parser.add_option('--obama', default='obamagrey.png')

parser.add_option('--red', type='float', default=1.0)
parser.add_option('--green', type='float', default=1.0)
parser.add_option('--blue', type='float', default=1.0)

parser.add_option('--rgb', action='store_true')

parser.add_option('--text', default="Please don't do a Tony Blair ")

return parser

if __name__ == '__main__':

parser = get_parser()

opts, args = parser.parse_args()


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Brilliant !